Wednesday, July 23, 2014

How to Be a Twitter Celebrity

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
Everyone wants to get their thoughts out to the world. Being popular on Twitter can help you market your business or publicize your blog. The most well connected users on Twitter have over 100,000 followers, and some even have over 500,000.[1] Most of those users were quite well-known before they started tweeting, but that doesn't mean you can't climb your way to the top too! Some well-chosen, witty blogging topics and aggressive self-promotion will get you very far.


  1. Tweet like a famousblogger. Twitter is a micro-blogging tool; it's basically blogging in 140 characters or less in each Tweet. Generally, the same guidelines for being a good blogger apply for being a good Tweeter.[2] You can't expect a blog with only three posts on random topics to attract many subscribers, can you?
    • Choose your topic. If you want to be famous on Twitter, don't take their question ("What are you doing right now?") literally. It's more like: "What are you doing or thinking right now that'll be interesting to a certain group of people?" The theme should be specific enough that people know what to expect, but not so narrow that only 50 people would be interested in it. Start with only one to two primary topics or "tags". Then expand as your Following grows.
    • Find the man bites dog story. Read news feeds voraciously for a nugget you can spin into a good tweet. Guy Kawasaki, who has over 1,350,000 followers, goes as far as paying employees to find buzzworthy stories for him to tweet.[3] Mix up informative Tweets with entertaining Tweets.
    • Be interesting, transparent and provocative. Share intimate news about your life. If you can spin a good story, you might get readers addicted to the daily dramas of your everyday life.
    • Network. Good bloggers link to other blogs. Good Tweeters retweet other Tweeters. Search Twitter for keywords related to your topic. When you find an interesting one, hit "Reply" and add "RT" or "Retweet:" to the beginning, and post it. Not only are you forming connections with other Twitter users, but you're also bringing good content to your followers.
  2. Follow like a spammer. Once you've got your quality established, focus on quantity. Take the same approach that spammers do. In order to avoid actually looking like a spammer, though, make sure there's never more than a 200 or 300 gap between who you're following and who's following you. This can be handled automatically by various services. Try to keep your followings' number lower than your followers' one-that's what real celebrities do.
    • HOWEVER, do NOT follow 400 people at once. They will report you as a spammer and Twitter will suspend your account. Just follow maybe 100-200 at a time, then let them follow you back. Once you have a good amount of followers, unfollow the ones you followed and follow a new group of 100.
  3. Keep your followers coming back for more. There are some basic dos and don'ts that will keep your followers list from shrinking. Use a service that notifies you whenever you're unfollowed. Examine your last few tweets - what did you write that could've turned them off? Keep the following bits of advice in mind:
    • Do not use services that allow you to auto DM. Auto DMs frequently cost you followers. Some people get their DMs on their cell phones, and an auto DM can be an annoying reason to have to check your phone, not to mention the cost that might be involved in receiving it.
    • Do not radically change the content on Twitter after you've already established a twitter presence. People like consistency and followed you for a reason.
  4. Ask questions. One of the best ways to engage your followers and spark a dialogue is to ask questions. Keep the following tips and tricks in mind:[4]
    • Acknowledge answers. If you can't respond to each answer individually because there are too many, at least send out a general thanks.
    • Stick around to listen. Don't ask a question right before leaving your computer. If people respond, you want to be able to respond to them as quickly as possible, while they're at their computers.
    • Repeat your question several times throughout the day so you get in touch with different timezones and schedules. Make sure one of the times is "prime time" when most people are online (usually weekday mornings).
    • Ask your followers to retweet your question.
  5. Tweet often, but not too often. Every time you post an update, it shows up in the public timeline, exposing your profile to people who don't know you yet. At the same time, tweeting too frequently can annoy your existing followers and make it difficult for them to respond. Stick to one topic at a time and leave some time in between updates for people to respond.[5]
  6. Use a Twitter client. A client can help sort the updates that you see by user, keywords, etc. For example, you might be following people all over your country, but you can create a list of users in your city, and use a client to see only their updates to get a glimpse of what's going on in your area.
  7. Be funny. Twitter users are more likely to get more followers if they post funny stories, jokes and clever opinions. Self-sarcasm is very catchy, too.
  8. Gather followers from other social networks. Use Facebook, Myspace, YouTube etc. and ask your friends there to follow you on Twitter.
  9. Participate. See what's going on between your followers and take part in their conversation. Use many hashtags and follow the trends.


  • Give out quotes that are really good, that make your followers feel good.
  • Once you follow 2000 people, you won't be able to follow any more until you gain 2000 followers. You can "clean up" your list with some third party services that will show you who you're following that isn't following you back--unfollow them.
  • Tweet reasonable and believable things so that your twitter followers will keep on following up tweet celeb stories, even just stories in general.
  • Don't forget Fridays. Friday in the Twitter 'culture' is the day of #ff. Thank your followers that have #ffed you and #ff back. They will appreciate it.
  • Become a celebrity in other forms of media. You can just be a radio producer or even a TV host. These media can very efficiently promote you to a wide range of people.
  • Show your face. Users will feel more comfortable if your put your real profile picture. They will also be able to make a better personal connection with you.
  • If your motive for becoming a Twitter celebrity is so that you can channel more traffic to your blog or website, learn How to Gather and Use Twitter Metrics to measure how "effective" your fame is.
  • Use, it is a service that allows to keep track of your becoming-a-celebrity progress.


  • Be prepared. Whenever you project yourself out there to get known, there will always be someone that will come down on you. Don't take it personally. Know How to Handle Fame.
  • Do not use automated tweeting sites. Questions, comments, remarks might come in response while you are way, and ignoring them might be repulsive for followers.
  • Before you tweet, think twice. Be careful not to share something that you will later regret.
  • If you want to become known in China, Twitter is not the place for it. Many Hong Kong and Chinese people had moved to Sina Micro Blog due to China's ban on Twitter. Different place, same advice applies.

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Sources and Citations


Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Be a Twitter Celebrity. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

How to make money with Twitter

How to Have a Trending Topic on Twitter

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
A TT on Twitter, Trending Topic, is a popular hashtag, word, or phrase, that many people are tweeting at one time. This article will teach you how to increase your chances of your catchphrase, or hashtag, become a Trending Topic.


  1. Make sure what ever you're trying to trend hasn't already be used by somebody else. Do a quick search at the very top of the page in the search bar.
  2. Type a tweet including your phrase or hashtag. Get your phrase or hashtag noticed by typing an already trending topic in with the tweet.
  3. Send your tweet off and wait.
  4. After a few minutes, check to see if your tweet got any re-tweets. If they did, chances are, somebody saw your hashtag or phrase. Do another search and see if it has been tweeted. If not, don't rush it.
  5. Your followers are very valuable to helping you get a trending topic as well. They followed you because you have a great tweeting personality. They'll most likely adopt your own new hashtag or phrase, or at the very least, make a comment about it.



  • If you create a new phrase or hashtag for an existing popular topic, that can help it become a trending topic as well.

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Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Have a Trending Topic on Twitter. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

How to make money with Twitter

How to Use (for Twitter)

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit is an awesome website used to unfollow people who have in return unfollowed you on Twitter. It was created to give Twitter users a more efficient way of managing their accounts. Built with the initial aim to answer the oft-asked question, “Who unfollowed me on Twitter?”, JustUnfollow has now matured into a holistic friend management platform. Here's how you get started on this website.


  1. Go to your web browser (Chrome or Firefox recommended for best quality) and type in
  2. Next click on 'Sign In with Twitter' button. It will pop up a new window where twitter website will open.
    • It may automatically open up your twitter account if you have already logged in to twitter. You should see an button called 'Authorize App' button. Click on it.
    • If it doesn't open up your twitter account log in to twitter from the new window that pops up after clicking on 'Sign In with Twitter'. Next, click on 'Authorize App'
    • It'll show 'Redirecting you to the application. This may take few seconds'.
    • The twitter window will close and in the window you'll see a new page where you've logged in with your twitter account.
  3. Get Started with the main page. In here you'll see the list of people who don't follow you on twitter. So if you don't want to follow them then all you have to do is click on 'Unfollow' beside their profile photo.
  4. Use the sidebar. In the sidebar you'll see various links to other pages that are basically some statistics regarding your twitter account. You can also use them as useful tools to make your twitter account make much better.
    • 'Fans' Page. This page includes all the people who follow you but to whom you don't follow. IF you want to follow a follower then just click on 'Follow' beside their user photos. This is a great way to follow your fans back too. From here you can also blacklist the followers, or reply (tweet) to them as well as message them.
    • In the same way, you'll find various uses to manage your twitter account using the other links from the sidebar. But they aren't much useful than the first two links.
  5. Log Out. Logging out from the site is pretty easy. All you have to do is click on the 'More' link in the upper right corner corner and select 'log Out' from the drop down list.


  • You can upgrade your account too after which you'll be a featured user on the site. this means that you'll have a higher chance of attracting more followers in your twitter account.
  • Using this website on a daily basis will help you gain more followers.

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Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Use (for Twitter). All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

How to make money with Twitter

How to Promote with Twitter Hashtags

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
Twitter is a popular micro-blogging tool that can be used conversationally or to follow trending topics, often represented through hashtags (#). Hashtags aggregate similar tweets on one page, so users can search for tweets about a particular trend, discount, news event, etc. and easily see what others are saying. Twitter is a deft promotional tool for businesses, marketers and public relations firms. It is free and can be used in combination with other forms of promotion to encourage the public to buy, use coupons or attend events. This article will tell you how to promote with Twitter hashtags.


  1. Sign up or log in to your Twitter account. Enter your account information and click "Sign up for Twitter." You will want to provide an attractive description of your event or business and upload a picture or icon.
  2. Appoint someone to start using the Twitter account for your business or event. Consistency is essential on Twitter because it is constantly being updated. Make sure the person understands how to navigate and communicate via Twitter.
    • Users type the "@" symbol to directly message other users. This can be useful if someone has commented on a post. It is usually used to create and continue conversations between users and to pass on links.
    • Users type the "#," or hash symbol to follow trending topics on the site. For example, "#london" would be called a "hashtag" and it would be used in a tweet to talk about something going on in London, England. You can click on a hashtag to find out all of the tweets that discuss this topic.
  3. Start following people on Twitter. Most people choose to get updates about who follows them on Twitter. Each person who you follow may in turn choose to follow you and receive your updates.
  4. Use the hashtag with the words "#deal," "#voucher" "#coupon," or "#bargain," to post sales on products or tickets. Many people use these words daily to look up deals and save money. Other sites aggregate all the tweets that include those hashtags in the post.
    • Popular aggregation sites include CheapTweet, DealUniversity and Dealyzer.
  5. Pay attention to trending topics on Twitter, which are linked by popular hashtags. Use a trending topic whenever it applies to your event or business. It will show up to people who are searching using that hashtag, and it will help you to gain followers and promotion for your business.
    • Try to avoid using political or news-related hashtags that have nothing to do with your business to increase sales. Although this is not outlawed, it is seen as a somewhat corrupt approach to Twitter hashtag marketing. For example, Kenneth Cole used the hashtag "#Cairo," during the Cairo riots in 2011 to promote its spring line of clothing, which resulted in both increased sales and bad press.
  6. Create your own hashtag before a new promotion or event. The term should be short and easy to remember, such as "#DylanLive," to promote a series of concerts by Bob Dylan. Create your term months or weeks in advance so that you can include it on all of your promotional materials.
    • Begin using your new hashtag on Twitter, while you include it in press releases, on tickets, or on websites. Encourage other employees to announce it on stage. Ask promotional partners to use it on all of their marketing materials.
    • Continue using the hashtag in daily tweets. You can also respond to people, using the "@" symbol, who use your hashtag to give positive updates on your event or promotion.
    • If done properly and consistently, a hashtag promotion can effectively employ other people as promoters of your work. Their followers will see the hashtag and may choose to follow you or the promotion as it unfolds.
  7. Create a contest or raffle that encourages users to post Tweets with a specific hashtag. Promote the competition in your store, and ask users to follow your company's Twitter handle as a precondition for participating. You'll get more followers, increase interest in your cupcakes, and create a trending Twitter hashtag.
    • For example, let's say you own a bakery called Cupcakes Delight. You can ask your customers to tweet the best picture of them enjoying a cupcake in a unique location with the hashtag #TravelingwithCupcakeDelight. The best picture/caption combination will receive a year's worth of free cupcakes.



  • Twitter relies on users self-labeling their tweets with relevant hashtags, so don't forget to include them when you are making a post! Twitter does not automatically comb users' public tweets to place organize tweets under hashtags.

Things You'll Need

  • Twitter account
  • Dedicated promoter
  • Promotional materials

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Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Promote with Twitter Hashtags. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

How to make money with Twitter

How to Use Twitter

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
Different social media sites have different uses, strengths, and advantages. Twitter[1] could be called a 'real time social networking' site, a place for sharing information as it happens, and for connecting with others in real time, often resulting in lasting friendships and contacts. Learning how to use this fun, free, and useful tool can be a bit intimidating for the beginner, but don't be put off – with a little effort and a lot of intuitive "feeling your way through", you'll soon be able to use Twitter well--and you might even become 'digitally' famous!


  1. Go to[2] and sign up for a free account. Do so by entering your name, email address, and desired password in the provided space.
Tweet and Gather Followers
  1. Learn the Twitter lingo and use it appropriately.[3]
    • Tweet - a Twitter single update of 140 characters or less, which can include @Mentions to other users, hashtags, external links, or simply regular text.
    • Retweet or "RT" - taking a tweet from one user and posting it yourself, automatically crediting the source, so that all of your followers can see the tweet. The original retweeting style would take a tweet and re-post it via your own account in the following format: 'RT @(username of person who originally tweeted the tweet you're retweeting): (contents of tweet)'. The current system does away with this format, and instead directly re-posts the tweet, crediting the origin underneath. For example, 'retweeted from @username'.
    • TweetUps - Using Twitter to meet with other Twitter folks.
    • Trending Topics (TTs) - "Trending Topics" lists a range of subjects which many users across Twitter are talking about simultaneously. When Twitter first got started, "Trending Topics" were those which were most popular during the span of the entire previous week. But new, more advanced algorithms have now made it easier to detect recent trends, and cite the very latest most-talked-about subjects. These days, the "Trending Topics" list contains things that thousands of people across the whole of Twitter are discussing at any one time. When you click on a Trending Topic in the list, it will bring up a range of tweets, mentioning each matter of interest, and for each Trending Topic there will be up to three 'Top Tweets' highlighted--Those are the tweets in each topic which have been retweeted more than 150 times. You can view a list of trends in your area in the right-hand column of the homepage.
    • Lists - Users can organize the people they follow into lists of businesses or personalities which are related in some way. For example, a user could list all of the NPOs and charities they follow into a single list, for easy reference.
    • Promoted Tweets - A single trending topic which a company or organization can pay to 'trend', as to gain attention and traffic from Twitter users worldwide.
  2. Tweet. If you want to let your followers know what you are doing, type it into the 'What's happening?' text box and then click on the 'Tweet' button. Note that tweets are limited to 140 characters or less; otherwise, the "Tweet" button will go into a minus.
    • As you type, a countdown is offered to help you keep track of the character count of your tweets. The allowed characters are in gray, then the last 10 go red, and then a red minus symbol appears when you are past the zero (0) indicator.
  3. Use hashtags. Prefacing a word with a '#' will create a hashtag. A hashtag makes a certain word easily searchable. For more information on hashtags see the wikiHow article on How to use Hashtags with Twitter.
    • Some Trending topics will include hashtags, thus making it easier for users to tap into a Twitter-wide conversation regarding a single matter of interest.
    • A prime example of the usage of hashtags can be seen with Major League Baseball, which uses team-name hashtags (#Mets, for example) to pull together lists of in-game tweets, which they display on their website.
  4. Gather Followers. Your Twitter can be as intimate or as big as you choose. If your goal is to gather lots of followers, though, be sure to keep your posts interesting and relevant. You shouldn't underestimate the power of following others, either—often times if you follow someone they'll follow you back. Finally, give your favorite followers shout outs occasionally. This could be through direct tweets, blogs, or a simple #FF (#FollowFriday) mechanism. This is where you tweet a short list of your key followers who you think would be good for others to follow and include the hashtag #FF, they are generally sent out at the end of the week hence the name. This will often be reciprocated, meaning your name gets circulated. However, #FollowFridays are going out of fashion and many commentators question their worth due to their spam-like nature. A simple RT (re-tweet) can be a very effective way of attracting followers. Re-tweets are a real time affirmation of someone else's statement and is often rewarded with a follow.
  5. Check the replies from your followers that are directed at you. Click '@Mentions' to see if there are any replies to any of your 'tweets'. When tweeting, using '@' followed by a username (with no spaces) in your tweet will send a mention to the user you choose. For example, '@username' will send a mention to 'username', and the entire tweet will show up in his '@mentions' section.
  6. Decide your own style and times for tweeting. Twitter, like many social media applications, can become addicting and time-sucking. Make a decision early on about how much time you will devote to it and about how big your "tribe" of followers will be. Avoid worrying about getting heaps of followers; that's competitive rather than relating and it will end up wearing you out. Instead, focus on quality connections and information-sharing and don't get too upset when someone unfollows you; it happens and you can't change it. If you feel Twitter is overwhelming at any time, simply take a break from it and come back later, refreshed.
    • Anthropological and sociological studies have claimed time and again that we can only cope with being part of a tribe of 150 to 200 people.[4] Anything more than that and we get confused and lose the intimacy of connection. Keep that in mind when aiming for too many followers!
    • Read How to avoid a Twitter addiction and How to defeat a Twitter addiction if relevant!
Find and Organize People You Follow
  1. Figure out who to follow. You will probably find that you know quite a few people on Twitter. Using the menu tab on your page click on 'Who to Follow', and there are several ways to find people on Twitter, as follows:
    • Use the 'Find Friends' link to find people you know through your various Gmail, AOL, MSN, Hotmail and Yahoo! accounts.
    • Use the 'View suggestions' link for a wide range of possibilities that may, or may not, connect with your interests. (Twitter is also working on personalizing lists of suggested followers, so keep an eye out for the feature.)
    • Use the 'Browse Interests' tab to find people by interest.
  2. Look for people from organizations that you are in or for those that share a common interest. There are many business, companies, celebrities, and non-profit organizations on Twitter, ranging from Stephen Fry (@stephenfry) to Greenpeace (@greenpeace).
  3. Create lists. If you're following lots of people, it can get hard to sift through all the tweets. For easy reference, you can organize the people you follow into a list. To add someone to a list, go to their profile. Then, click the person icon in the toolbar and select "Add to List." A menu with your lists will pop up; you can choose to create a new list or add the person to an existing one.
Set Up Your Profile
  1. Upload a profile picture. This picture will be displayed with your name across the site. It must be a JPG, GIF, or PNG file and must be smaller than 700 KB. To do so, click on "settings" in the drop down menu below your username. Then click on "Choose File" to select a file from your computer.
  2. Add your name, location, and website. Under your profile picture, you have the choice to enter your full name. Adding a full name allows you to keep a professional aspect regardless of your username. You can also enter a location to let people know where you're tweeting from and link to your homepage or blog if you desire.
  3. Work on your pithy 'bio'. Make it eye-catching and interesting. Do it just right and it will help you build up followers; people thinking of following you do read the biographies to see if they have reason to follow you. Bear in mind that a biography can be up to 160 characters long, so you'll have to keep it short and to the point. Don't worry about typing your real name or website URL here—those can both be entered separately (as shown in the previous step).
  4. Decide whether you want your tweets to be posted to Facebook. This can give you more view per tweet. If you so desire, click the "Posts your Tweets to Facebook" button at the bottom of the profile page.
  5. Edit your language and time zone. Under the "Account" tab of settings, you have the ability to change the language and time zone that your Twitter is in. Do so by selecting the desired language and time zone from the drop down menus. You can also change your username and email address here if you ever need to.
  6. Check the box below time zone to add a location to each of your Tweets. This is different than the location on your profile—it is specific to each tweet and can be as general as a town or as specific as your exact location. Even when this feature is enabled, you have the option to turn it on or off with each individual tweet.
  7. Review the Tweet Media and Privacy settings. These are listed under the Account tab of your settings. Check the applicable boxes and hit save.
  8. Change your password periodically. Protect your account by periodically changing your password. To do so, click on the "Password" tab under Settings. Enter your old password, then your new one twice. Hit "Change" when finished.
  9. Decide when you want to receive emails from Twitter. Under the "Notifications" tab, there is a list of actions. Check the boxes next to those actions for which you'd like to receive an email.
  10. Customize your profile. Every profile begins with the default background and color scheme. However, you can personalize it if you wish. Click on the "Design" tab of Settings. You can choose from one of the background images provided, or upload your own by clicking on the button that says "Change Background Image." Then, click on "Choose File" to upload one from your computer. You can also play with the color scheme by clicking "Change Design Colors."
Using the Other Features
  1. Send DMs. DMs are direct messages. They go straight to the intended person that you are messaging. The DM feature uses an inbox and outbox system, but you are still limited to using 140 characters; you are also limited to sending DMs to only those users who follow you. DMs cannot be seen by anyone other than yourself and the chosen recipient, and are thus more personal. To send a DM, go to the page of the follower you're sending one to, and click on the "Message" box.
    • Be aware that some people really dislike DMs on Twitter because they reason that Twitter is an open conversation and a fast one, not a disguise for sending each other private messages. Also, DMs are not appreciated when they involve marketing or advertising.
  2. Use third-party applications for ease of mobility and account sharing. Third-party applications such as TweetDeck and Twitter for iPhone (iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad), or Twidroid (Android) can help you to manage your Twitter account(s) better. If you have lots of followers and if you follow lots of people, at which point it can be difficult to keep up with everything on Twitter's official website, you might want to try something a bit more advanced like Hoot Suite or Blossome.

Twitter Tips and Tricks

Twitter Tips and Tricks



  • From time to time, tweet media files such as images or videos to entertain your followers.
  • You can download Twitter onto smartphones.
  • If privacy is a concern, Twitter offers an option to make your tweets only visible to followers whom you have previously approved of (this can be changed in Settings > Account > Tweet Privacy).
  • Look on websites you frequent for Twitter accounts; this can help you populate your Twitterverse with people whose opinions and insights interest you the most.
  • URL shorteners are sites you'll learn to love as a tweeter: it shortens your long URLs into things that will easily fit into the 140 character limit.
  • If you're looking for big follower totals, find a niche for your Twitter account. Tweet about politics, or hockey, or fashion, whatever interests you.
  • Try to use just one tweet to get your point across. If it carries on to another tweet it should be shortened.
  • Lots of hashtags bring in lots of viewers. Put as many (within reason) hashtags as you can that are related to your tweet but not to each other, as possible. This will get your word out to more people searching different hashtags.


  • Particularly excessive tweeting (100+ tweets in an hour or 1000+ tweets in a day) can send you temporarily to "Twitter jail" for a couple of hours. While in the proverbial "jail", you can access your profile but cannot tweet
  • As with any social network, be wary of the information you share with others.

Things You'll Need

  • Twitter account, Internet access
  • Third-party applications (optional but helpful)
  • Interesting tweets

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Sources and Citations


Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Use Twitter. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

How to make money with Twitter

How to Earn via Twitter

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
Twitter is the most popular microblogging service worldwide that allows you to post short messages (aka. status updates) up to 140 characters maximum. With 200 million active users it is also a very good platform for marketing and making-money opportunities. In this article, I am going to show you how to earn money via Twitter and how to properly use this popular social networking service.


  1. Use Twitter to promote yourself. Twitter is really a great platform where you choose who to follow and contact with easily. Through it you can promote your skills, make important contacts and even find a job.
  2. Using Twitter for your website. Just like any other online social network, Twitter is not used only to share your thoughts or ideas. It is also used to share photos and links. You can use this service to promote your business or product website and gain a few successful sales and visitors.
  3. Sell your tweets. Yes, there are some good and popular services that would pay you for an ad tweet they give you. This is only useful if you have a lot of followers. Services like SponsoredTweets and BuySellAds are recommended for this purpose.
  4. Use your affiliate links. By using companies like ClickBank or CJ, you can link to affiliated products on your Twitter wall. Depending on your follower relevancy and your affiliated product you can make a good money through this method.
  5. Sell your services via Twitter. If you have skills in web design, web development, SEO, programming and similar stuff, you can actually use Twitter to generate more sales of your services from your loyal followers and subscribers.


  • Do not use services that get you random Twitter followers. These followers are not useful for you in 99.9% of cases.
  • Do not use strong marketing on Twitter. Twitter is all about community. If you actually stop writing unique, fun and interesting (not promotional) tweets then you will loose followers for sure.
  • Learn how to use Twitter and always try to get more followers. If you want to make money from Twitter you need to know how to get them.
  • Make sure to upload your photo and design your Twitter to look unique and modern. Real Twitter users knows how to recognize generic and "scam" Twitter profiles.


  • Do not expect to make $ 1000 each month with your Twitter account unless you have 1M+ active and high quality followers to your account. You can make money with Twitter, but do not expect miracles from it.

Things You'll Need

  • Patience and persistence;
  • Active Twitter account
  • SponsoredTweets and BySellAds account
  • Website or a product page
  • Decent marketing experience

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Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Earn via Twitter. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

How to make money with Twitter

How to Earn Money Using Twitter

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
Twitter is a social media network that has gained more than 300 million users since its launch in 2006. Many of these users are businesses. They use Twitter to keep in track with consumers and give them messages about deals and brands. Personal users also use Twitter to promote their careers, services and partners. If you are a talented Twitter user, you can use this platform to make money. You should be good at marketing yourself, marketing for others and staying in touch with trends and current events. This article will tell you how to earn money using Twitter.


  1. Become an adept Twitter user. No one with rudimentary Twitter skills can make money on Twitter. You need to be good at getting followers to your accounts, using multiple accounts and crafting catchy tweets.
  2. Get experience in marketing. In order to monetize yourself, you should understand concepts, such as Internet marketing plans, lead generation and affiliate marketing. You should have a website or resume that shows your marketing and Twitter experience to websites who are looking to outsource their Twitter account.
  3. Use Twitter for your business account. Social media accounts are ideal for website lead generation. Use a lead capture strategy or giving Twitter-only deals, free content or a free trial, if the user clicks a Twitter link and signs up for an account. Earn money by contacting these leads through emails with product offers targeted to their interests.
  4. Use your blog and your Twitter account to become an affiliate marketer. Find products that people who read your blog would be interested in, and then contact the company to get an affiliate link to put on your website. Every 10 to 50 tweets, include the affiliate link in a Tweet, with a high recommendation.
    • Affiliate marketing allows people who advertise their products on a website to get the portion of a product's sales. The producers of the product gain valuable advertising, while the affiliate marketer can expect a monthly check for a percentage of sales, if the marketing is done well.
  5. Research sponsored tweets via Internet search engines. Many companies are looking for popular Twitter accounts to occasionally post about their products. Contact the company, make a monetary agreement and begin your pay-per-tweet arrangement.
    • Make sure you have a written agreement with the company and proof of your tweets that you can submit to them. Also, make sure you choose an interval of sponsored tweeting that does not annoy your followers. If you lose followers, you lose potential sales and your sponsored ad contract may be canceled.
  6. Sign up for sponsored tweeting through 1 of the new sponsored tweeting businesses, such as, Magpie, TwitPub or Twittad. These sites aggregate the companies that need to have sponsored ads and make them available to willing Twitter users. Sign up for an account, tweet an ad at the interval of your choice, and usually you will be paid by PayPal.
  7. Sign up to write for This online publisher contracts people to write interesting articles, and then makes money off the advertisements in the side columns. You work your way up a tiered program based on the quality and clicks you get from your articles or videos.
  8. Sell your own products. Many people use Twitter to promote eBay auctions and crafts. You can simply post a shortened link on your Twitter account, and with a personal touch, you are likely to get more bids.
  9. Sell your services on Twitter. Many professionals use Twitter as a way to stay in touch with other people in their industry. This new kind of networking allows you to develop relationships, develop partnerships and sell yourself to do work.
    • If you feel embarrassed promoting yourself from your professional account, understand it is a common practice. A little self promotion can quickly lead to a job.



  • Don't change your Twitter account to be only a money-making operation. Twitter is focused on community. If you stop tweeting funny, interesting or engaging things, you will lose followers, lose interesting chances for professional development, and, ultimately, lose the chance to make more money through Twitter.

Things You'll Need

  • Marketing experience
  • Affiliate marketing agreements
  • Sponsored tweets
  • account
  • eBay or Etsy account and products
  • Website or blog

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Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Earn Money Using Twitter. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

How to make money with Twitter

How to Get More Followers on Twitter

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
Silicon Valley venture capitalist Guy Kawasaki said, "Truth be told, there are only two kinds of Twitter users: those that want more followers and those that lie."[1] Working your way into the Twitter community doesn't require being a celebrity, or finding some elaborate hack. You can increase your number of followers by becoming follow-worthy, increasing your visibility, and using a few proven strategies that will get that number of followers up. See Step 1 for more information.


Becoming Follow-Worthy
  1. Work on your profile. Make sure your profile is complete with an avatar that shows your face and a solid bio. It's important that people know who you are and what you're interested in.
    • The simplest and most personal way to go for an avatar is a photograph of your face looking straight into the lens. Avoid funny angles or having anything else in the photo. Crop it into a square, but don't shrink it down. You want people to be able to click on it and see the larger version.[2]
    • If you own a company and want to use your brand as your avatar instead of a photograph, this is perfectly acceptable. However, using random graphics or images as your avatar can give the impression of a face or spam account, so they are not recommended.
    • Many people will read your Twitter bio before deciding whether to follow you. A good written bio can help you get much more followers than a poorly written bio.
  2. Compose interesting, funny or thought-provoking tweets. Most potential followers will glance at your most recent tweets to see if you're worth following. Therefore, it stands to reason that the better your tweets, the more followers you'll gain.
    • Add variety. Make sure you're tweeting on a variety of subjects and not just your personal thoughts or what you're doing at the moment. Talk about your hobbies and interests, share a piece of insightful advice, or post a photo of something cool to switch it up.
    • Be interesting, transparent and provocative. Share intimate news about your life. If you can spin a good story, you might get readers addicted to the daily dramas of your everyday life.
    • Post interesting links. Find the man bites dog story. Search the web voraciously for a nugget you can spin into a good tweet. Guy Kawasaki, who has over 100,000 followers, goes as far as paying employees to find buzzworthy stories for him to tweet.[3] There are many websites you can scour for prime Tweeting material
    • Post multimedia. Switching things up with pictures, videos and even sound clips here and there can make your posts more fun to follow.
  3. Tweet often, at the right times of day. Nobody wants to follow someone who never tweets, therefore it's important to remain consistently active on twitter. You should have a minimum of one post per day and ideally two posts per day to maximize your visibility in the Twitterverse.
    • It's also important that you post your tweets at a time of day or night when the most people are active. No one will see your tweet or have the opportunity to follow you if you're always posting when they're asleep. The best times to tweet are before people go to work in the morning (pre-9am) and after they finish in the evening (around 6pm).
    • Make sure to take your time zone into account though. Most twitter users live in the US, so you will need to tailor your tweeting times to either East coast or West coast schedules.
    • On the other hand, it's important not to inundate your existing followers with too many tweets, as this can fill up their feed and come across as spammy, which might cause them to unfollow you.
  4. Use hashtags. Using hashtags is a great way to connect to people with similar interests and to increase the visibility of your tweets.
    • Add hashtags to your tweets and also create tweets based on hashtags that are popular on Twitter at the time (you can see these as "trends" on the left-hand side of your Twitter home page). This will maximize your tweet's exposure.
    • However, like everything on Twitter, hashtags should be used in moderation. Just pick one or two relevant or amusing hashtags which add to the quality of your tweet. Don't just add hashtags onto words that appeared in the rest of your tweet, or include them just for the sake of it.
  5. Follow everyone who follows you. It might seem counter-intuitive to do this when you're focused on gaining followers, but it's a good practice because people who notice that you didn't follow them back might unfollow you. Like other social media sites, Twitter is a "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" type of environment.[2]
    • Also, when you follow back, some people might respond to you publicly, which will give you some added exposure to their followers.
    • If you're worried that you won't be able to keep up with that many people, you're right. Once you're following over 100 people, it'll be pretty much impossible to read all their updates. You'll become more selective in who/what you read.
Increasing Your Visibility
  1. Direct people to your Twitter account. You can direct more people to your Twitter account by putting "Follow me on Twitter" links on your blog, e-mail, other social networking outlets, and across the web.
    • That way, people who are already interested in what you're doing can easily find your Twitter Profile and follow you.
    • Using graphics, such as a button or counter can also be more effective at catching attention and getting you more followers.
  2. Try to get celebrities or famous people to follow you on Twitter. That will increase the chance that they will tweet at you or retweet one of your tweets, increasing the visibility of your Twitter account.
    • You can get a celebrity's attention on Twitter by sending them an @message. An @message is a direct message which you can send to anyone, whether you're following them or not.
    • Choose a celebrity (or at least someone with a ton of followers) to send an @message to. This message will appear on your profile page, so anyone who comes to scope you out will see who you've tweeted.
    • If you're really lucky, the celebrity will reply to your message, retweet it, or maybe even follow you back. This will make your tweet visible to thousands or even millions of people, and undoubtedly gain you followers.
    • Although this doesn't happen that often, it's worth sending a direct message or two everyday on the off-chance that it's gets retweeted. Remember, the funnier or more original the tweet is, the better the odds of the celebrity paying attention to it!
  3. Follow people with similar interests, then follow their followers. This sounds kind of complicated, but it's really not. Just look for users with similar interests to your own, but who have way more followers. Then all you need to do is follow that user and their followers.
    • For example, if you're a tarot fanatic, find another tarot fanatic who has many followers, then follow those followers. If it's clear from your bio and your tweets that you're a tarot enthusiast, they're more likely to follow you.
    • Be cautious though; following too many people may draw potential followers away.
  4. Ask people to retweet you. Being retweeted pushes your exposure to the edges of your Twitter network. Simply adding "Please retweet" or "Please RT" to the end of some of your posts here and there (not all the time) can remind your followers that you want them to spread the word for you. Occasionally posting a link to an article on How to Retweet will also help your followers help you.
  5. Repeat your most popular tweets. Do a search for your Twitter name and observe which of your updates get the most replies and retweets. Then repeat those updates a few times roughly 8-12 hours apart.
    • You'll reach more people this way because you're more likely to catch the attention of people who missed your updates the first time around. People "tune in" to Twitter at various times during the day (and night).
    • If you get complaints about repeated tweets, you might want to ease off a little (or just delete the complainers!)[2]
Increasing Your Followers Strategically
  1. Regularly unfollow people who haven't followed you back. This is especially important to avoid follow limits. The first limit you'll probably hit is when you've followed 2,000 people. You won't be able to follow any more until you have 2,000 followers.
    • When this happens, you'll need to "clean-up" your list by unfollowing people who haven't followed you back. Aim to unfollow people who don't post that often, or whoose tweets you aren't really interested in. Then you won't feel like you're missing out.
    • However, as the list of people you're following grows, it will become more and more time-consuming to go through it and filter out the non-followers. Luckily, there are services like Twidium and FriendorFollow which can clean up your list for you.
    • Once your list is cleaned up, you'll be able to follow a whole new selection of Twitter users, and - if you choose carefully - most of them should follow you back!
  2. Follow people who autofollow. "Twitter celebrities" (Twitter users with huge numbers of following and followers) are also likely to follow you back automatically.[2]
    • They'll be following over a thousand or sometimes tens of thousands of people, but unlike spammers, they'll have the same number of (or more) followers.
    • You'll stumble upon such accounts during your Twitter travels (e.g. when they are retweeted by someone you're following), but you can also do an Internet search for "most popular Twitter accounts" or "popular Tweeters".
    • People who follow spammers are likely to be autofollowers. Wait until a spam follower follows you. Spam followers will have 1,000+ people they are following, but only 5 to 150 followers in return.
    • Follow everyone who follows the spam follower. Those are likely to be people who are following in return in order to boost their own follow count.
  3. Use keywords to find followers. One good technique is to search for tweets with keywords related to your topics of interest.
    • Let's say you're a metalhead. Look for people who mention your favorite metal groups. Reply to their tweets and then follow them. Your response will show them that you have something in common, and make it more likely that they'll follow you back.
    • Better yet, retweet them if the content is good. Not only are you forming connections with other Twitter users, but you're also bringing good content to your followers.
  4. Consider buying some followers. There are many services available that allow you to trade currency for followers. For the most part, these followers will be bots (fake accounts set up for the purpose of boosting numbers), but your number of followers will increase substantially.
    • Devumi, FastFollowerz, TwitterBoost, BuyRealMarketing, and TwitterWind are all reliable services for delivering followers, all of which cost between $12 and $20, offer some form of money-back guarantee, and increase your followers by a serious increase of 300,000-500,000.[4]
    • If you're operating a personal account, stick to building followers the old-fashioned way. It's easy to see when one of your friends buys fake followers, which can be kind of embarrassing if it comes out. Buying followers is more commonly employed by businesses and celebrities for whom it is important to display a large number of followers on Twitter. Politicians and popular musicians are often followed by a large number of fakes.[5]
    • There are many risks to follower-buying. Many services don't guarantee followers for an extended period of time, meaning you could have hundreds of thousands one week, and much fewer the next. Many follower-sellers are simple scams designed to get your credit card information or gather contact information spam your real followers.
  5. Finished!

Twitter Tips and Tricks

Twitter Tips and Tricks


This video shows you how to get more followers on Twitter.


  • Make an effort to Keep Your Followers on Twitter. People who actually keep up with the tweets of the people they follow will regularly re-evaluate who they follow and will unfollow whoever they feel is not worth following anymore.
  • Consider creating a different Twitter account. There's the possibility that by making a concentrated effort to boost your follower numbers, your account might get suspended (for being a spammer). If your main Twitter account is very valuable to you (it's your full name, a distinct brand, etc.) you might want to create a test account to use these techniques with.


  • Twitter has a system that detects quick and massive follows and unfollows. If this system catches you, you may have your tweets stricken from the Twitter search engine.
  • Do not unfollow people right after you follow them. Wait at least five days before you unfollow people who don't follow back. If you do unfollow right away, you will most likely be reported as a spammer and your account will be suspended.
  • Do not send automatic direct messages as that may result in unfollows.

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Sources and Citations

  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Get More Followers on Twitter. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

How to Use Twitter to Find Deals and Save Money

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
Twitter was officially launched in 2006 as a way to help people "microblog." Unlike other social media networks or blogging platforms, Twitter posts, or "tweets," can only be 140 characters or less. Many people found this quick form of communication to be useful, and in 2011, there were 300 million Twitter accounts. Many of these accounts are businesses who use the platform to communicate with people who reside nearby or have similar interests. In fact, there are a number of ways to save money using Twitter, including finding coupons, getting investment advice and finding the best place to buy gas. Read more to find out how to use Twitter to find deals and save money.


  1. Sign up for a Twitter account, if you do not have an account. Twitter's services are free and available at Find the place on the home page that says "New to Twitter? Sign up."
    • You will need to enter your full name, email and a password. Then, you will be prompted to create a username and upload a profile picture. You should put down your location, so it will be easier to find local deals.
    • Along with the 140 characters or less rule, the main ways of communicating through Twitter are through 2 symbols. The "@" symbol allows you to reply to a tweet by placing it directly before the username of another user. The hashtag, "#", allows you to search and post in reference to a certain word or phrase.
  2. Search for and find your favorite companies. For example, if you want to buy a new computer soon, look for Dell, Apple, Best Buy and your favorite local computer stores to see if they offer deals via Twitter. Use the search bar at the top of your homepage to find these stores, click the "Follow" button next to their name and their tweets will appear on your homepage feed.
    • Create lists to separate the companies or deals that you are trying to find. Go to the small icon of a person, click on the drop down arrow and go to the "lists" page. Click on the box "Create a List" and add the people you are following who apply to the deals you want to find.
    • Twitter accounts based directly from businesses that are known to post twitter-only deals include: Booksamillion, Zappos, Amazon (amazondeals, amazonsteals, amazonmp3) and DellOutlet.
  3. Search using the hashtag. Search for "#coupon," "#bargain" and "#deal" to get started finding deals all over the web. Businesses of all types use these hashtags to advertise their most recent deals.
  4. Follow Twitter users who are dedicated to providing coupons or deals. There are a number of private users or promoters that gather deals or coupons and post the websites on their Twitter pages. Search for users using the terms "coupon" or "bargain" to start following helpful, money-saving users.
    • The following users are dedicated to providing coupons on their page: coupontweet, couponjunction, coupongeek, CouponCabin, retailmenot and rollback.
    • The following users are dedicated to providing deals on their page: CheapCheapCheap, BearableDeals, Dealyzer, shoppersshop, DealUniversity, dealnews, slickdeals, Dealsplus, CheapTweet, dealsplus and slickdeals.
  5. Use Twitter-based applications to help you save or transfer money. If you have a smart phone and a twitter account, then they can work together to help you save money. Tweetwhatyouspend and FuelFrog are good places to start, as they allow you to direct message the service in order to form a journal of your purchases.
    • You can use similar applications to send money via Twitter. These include Twippr or Twitpay, which use PayPal and Amazon Payments respectively to send money. They usually charge a small percentage, so unless a deal is impossible to ignore or you need to pay a friend back as soon as possible, there are cheaper ways to pay for services.
  6. Pick smart investments by following investment-based Twitter accounts. StockTwits gathers investment advice from across Twitter and posts it on their site. It may end up saving or earning you money, but make sure to gather investment advice from a number of sources.
  7. Use direct messaging to negotiate deals with companies. There are many stories of people successfully bargaining with companies by typing a message to a company directly to their company twitter account (@companyname) to ask if they have a better deal. It seems this usually works with hotels, tickets, or services, rather than clothes or other physical products.
    • Although you may feel uncomfortable with this at first, the more you do it, the easier it will get. Sometimes other hotels or services will look out for these messages and offer you even better deals.
  8. Follow people who offer good budgeting advice. At the top of this list are SmartyPig, SavingGuide and AlmostFrugal, who offer budgeting advice on a daily basis. Although their daily advice may be hit or miss, 140 characters will take less time to read than a full article.


  • If you are new to Twitter, spend an hour navigating the site, learning how to track down friends or celebrities, send messages and make lists before jumping into these savings tips. You will be more apt to save money on Twitter if you use it correctly and consistently.
  • Make lists of all the people you follow. For example, you can make an investment list, a coupon list, a deal list, an advice list and more. This feature was added to Twitter to help you organize and navigate the site more easily.

Things You'll Need

  • Twitter account
  • Smart phone (optional)
  • Twitter-based applications (optional)

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Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Use Twitter to Find Deals and Save Money. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.